Coryanne Ettiene of Housewife Bliss
There is much truth in the saying, "Only take advice from someone who's done what you want to do". Unfortunately, when it comes to a happy marriage, there is an obvious void of qualified wisdom around me.
Thank goodness for my interactions in the Twitterverse- the virtual cocktail party- where I have connected with an international base of sisterpreneurs. And one in particular is giving her insight into the wonderful world of matrimony.
Coryanne Ettiene is the entertaining maven behind Housewife Bliss, the one-stop destination of kitchen living for the modern woman and founder of The Wifestyle Conference (I simply love her branding!).
Here is my Q&A with the delightfully domesticated Coryanne:
TWHS: Seeing the closest I have come to saying "I do" was for three proposals, one previous engagement and most recently, the cutest satin peep-toes. How long have you and your husband been married?
HB: Alex and I have been married for 12 years this July, after a whirlwind, 3-month courtship....it was the wildest thing I have ever done, and it still shocks me to this day that we eloped.
TWHS: What is the secret ingredient that has kept you together, after all these years?
HB: I am not sure we have a secret ingredient, but what we do have is mutual respect for one another, a deep love that sparked the moment we met, and a bundle of chemistry that has made the last 12 years feel like on long honeymoon.
TWHS: How would you finish this sentence in one word?
Marriage is ______________.
HB: A journey.
TWHS: Do tell why you chose that definition...
HB: Marriage is a journey that you embark on together, similar to a maze, it requires commitment, partnership, communication and the passion to see it through. But also like a maze, it is meant to be fun and wildly adventurous.
Marriage is different for different people; for me, marriage is about partnership and the understanding that to be in a marriage you have to be united, together and on the same path -- if you have those then the journey is fun, adventurous and filled with happiness that can only come when you share something amazing.
TWHS: If marriage was a pair of shoes, which style would it be, along with their details?
HB: Fabulous question, and one that I wish I had the answer to. Like an outfit, marriage requires unique shoes to complete it. Sometimes you need stilettos for the sexy moments in a marriage, hiking boots for those rocky paths, and ballet flats for the every day moments that come with marriage.
TWHS: How has marriage defined the woman you are?
HB: I like to think that rather than define me, I helped to define the wife I have become. If anything, being married has taught me how to love and be loved, and taught me how to nurture not only from the heart but from the soul.
TWHS: What advice would you give me, a woman about to step into the shoes of a wife for the first time?
HB: Leap with your heart, not your head....and to understand that the journey is a long one, choose your battles well, and never forget the sexy new girlfriend you once were.
TWHS: In closing, what is your view on those who say that marriage is an outdated institution?
HB: The best thing I ever did was say 'I Do', but I know my sentiments are not shared by others and for that I can only respect the path they takes towards finding true love -- regardless if they seal the deal on the dotted line or not.
Darling, I wish you a maze filled with romance, intrigue and ever lasting love. Thank you for sharing my experience of marriage with your readers. All the best, Coryanne