Saturday, March 19, 2011

Introducing... The Cinderella Smoothie

Smoothies are indulgences I usually reserve for the hot months of summer. I never buy from any fast food chains or mall counter, choosing to make my own fruit-laden concoctions instead. But a recent annual exam left me in shock to find out I am underweight. Me, the person who has regular, FULL COURSE feeding times for my pet tapeworm.

Per my doctor's orders, I need to increase my caloric intake by 250 calories per day in order to gain ten pounds. I'm gonna need a magic wand to get through this...

GlassDharma, the darlings of eco-chic glass straws, was on board when they heard of my quest to create a signature smoothie. They shipped me their Simple Elegance Shorty straw, whose 12mm x 6.25" diameter is perfect for the thickness of smoothies. Its 6.25" length is also ideal for the goblet I use (a girl's gotta keep it fancy).

Now that I had the tools, I picked the inspiration for making the smoothie; Cinderella. Why?

Do you really have to ask? The glass straw, much like the glass slipper, is the perfect fit! And to make sure you don't lose your glass "sipper", they have hemp soft sleeves to transport the straws!

Cinderella Smoothie:

~ 1 frozen banana, peeled and cut in chunks

~ 1/2 of one orange, peeled and sectioned with seeds removed

~ 1 cup frozen blackberries

~ 1/2 cup Simply Orange OJ High Pulp

~ 1 6oz plain Silk yogurt

Pour the orange juice into the blender. Add the yogurt, blackberries, frozen banana and orange slices. Blend on high speed; serve immediately.

Caloric Count: 509. Effort: Double the goal. Taste: So this is love. So this is what makes life divine.

Footnote: To aid in Japan's disaster relief, GlassDharma will be donating 5% of all gross sales until March 31 to the Otsuchi Recovery Fund created at Mendo Lake Credit Union by the Fort Bragg-Otsuchi Cultural Exchange Association.

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