Thursday, April 12, 2012

TWHS Reviews Killer Kushionz by Foot Petals

It's official; I'm hitched. One year and 26 days after running into my childhood sweetheart, we sealed the deal and made the jump. And while our act took everyone by surprise (in both location and date), those who know me best realize that I always walk to the beat of my own drum...

Walking into marriage should not be done lightly nor haphazardly. Luckily for me, the generous folks at Foot Petals ensured my walk would be memorable, as they shipped me a pair of their Killer Kushionz for my big day.

The 3M™ adhesive backing sticks inside of your shoe's footbed, ensuring your feet don't slip and slide. But more importantly, the cushioning it provides is from your heel to the ball of your foot.

Available in five fashion colors, I chose Buttercup to cushion my soles and the dime in my left shoe. Yes, even in accessories, one should coordinate!

The Killer Kushionz did exactly what they promote; provide comfort in my Badgley Mischkas:

Any bride wanting to walk - not limp - through the her big day needs to add Foot Petals' Killer Kushionz to her wedding ensemble!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your wedding! Your shoes look fabulous!
