Thursday, March 24, 2011

TWHS Reviews Little Black Dress Citrus Tea

Springtime in a cup.

That was my first impression when I opened the tin of Little Black Dress Citrus loose tea, sent compliments of the gracious folks at Teaquilibrium. I also chuckled at the irony of the oolong tea being a slimming tea, just as I am instructed by my doctor to bulk up on calories. Geez...

Nonetheless, I was intrigued to see how the combination of oolong tea, green tea, green rooibos, lemongrass, lemon myrtle, citrus flavor and jasmine blossoms would entice my palate, so I brewed a teaspoon to test.

Right away, it didn't have the oomph I was looking for. So I tried again, this time increasing the amount to two teaspoons and brewing it for three minutes (the company suggests you brew 1 1/2 teaspoons).

Bergamot definitely stands out in this tea, as opposed to the taste of citrus. The blend is light and not overpowering, perfect to serve as a welcoming beverage for guests.

And seeing that I am increasing my fat intake, I know that fat-burning Little Black Dress Citrus Tea won't be a daily treat for me. But it's good to know that semi-oxidized oolong tea also boosts the immune system, aids in insomnia and helps with headaches.

The Result: Little Black Dress Citrus Tea has a taste of fabulousness, and gives well-dressed inspiration for an LBD-themed Spring Tea Party.

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